Akinyi Rose

Akinyi Rose

Monitoring and Evaluation officer

Akinyi Rose Supports the monitoring Evaluation and learning department in Siaya Muungano Network. Rose holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Statistics with second class(upper division) from Laikipia University with one year knowledge and experience working in non-governmental organization supporting the monitoring and evaluation department.  She is a women and children rights activist and has been involved in advocacy initiatives, community mobilization, capacity building, planning and implementation of community projects including facilitating SGBV sessions using the SASA model. Rose is passionate about empowering and building the capacity of women to undertake sustainable economic empowerment initiatives as a source of income and a means of livelihood.


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Hillary Omondi

Hillary Omondi

Programs Coordinator
Mildred Andere

Mildred Andere

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Bonface Buoro

Bonface Buoro

Finance Assistant
Beatrice Oduor

Beatrice Oduor

Project Assistant - Economic Empowerment & Livelihoods