Bella Linda Akoth

Student on attachment

About Myself 

I am ambitious and self-driven social work student who consistently set personal goals. I am always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. I have always shown passion about my chosen career field because the social work values and principles connect with my personality. I strongly believe that social work mentors and helps others achieve their goals.

Skills acquired from SIMUN

Among the skills I have acquired during my three months attachment at Siaya Muungano Network includes team work, interactive skills and also improved on my computer literacy skills. Field work opportunities during my engagement with SIMUN followed by activity report writing equipped me with comprehensive report writing skills.

Recommendation message 

I am glad to have known SIMUN closely and gotten the opportunity to work with the organization. This is a very responsible organization and well known for it’s dedication to advocacy practices. All the projects handled by SIMUN are perfectly carried out and documentation well done. Nevertheless, students in industrial attachment are well treated and given equal opportunities without any kind of discrimination. I can therefore recommend the organization to anyone who wishes to join their team as an employee, intern, volunteer or student on attachment.

Vote of Thanks

I would like to take my precious time to thank the entire able team of SIMUN for the three months attachment that I spent with them. The period was so productive and I appreciate your willingness to let me explore all the departments within the organization.

Thank you ones again for your support and all the opportunities you have granted me, including the capacity building in various aspects of advocacy. I can confidently say that through Siaya Muungano Network I have really learnt a lot.

More Staff

Bonface Buoro

Bonface Buoro

Finance Assistant

Omenge Christine

Student on attachment
Mss. Judith Akinyi Ajwala

Mss. Judith Akinyi Ajwala

PWD Representative
Mildred Andere

Mildred Andere

Asst. Board Chairperson